Unit Program Planning

It’s no secret what entices new youth and families to join Scouting and keep them involved: a well-planned, fun program. While planning for your upcoming Scouting year may seem daunting or time-consuming, it doesn’t have to be. And “Being Prepared” ahead of time will ultimately save time and headaches for you and your fellow busy adult leaders who volunteer their time to make a difference.
The planning process for each level of Scouting programs differs slightly based on who’s involved and their level of involvement, but consists of the following basic steps:
  1. Decide what activities are going to happen.
  2. Build a budget based on what those activities are going to cost and other associated costs of running a Scout unit (national registration fees, insurance fees, etc.).
  3. Develop a fundraising plan to offset the cost to families and determine a per-Scout fundraising goal.
  4. Communicate the plan with your families (and prospective families, too.)
Check back soon — we’re currently redesigning this page and will be adding new resources soon!

The Service Center and Scout Shop will be closed on Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. 

The service center and scout shop will be closed due to the inclement weather on Thursday, February 6th.

Our staff will work from home, so please mail or call if you need help. You can find our staff at scoutingphilly.org/staff