Strategic Priorities

To our Scouting Family:

In prior years, our council has built a “strategic plan” to guide its activities over a three-year period.  This plan structure is consistent with many of the strategic plans built by our national organization and other councils over the years.

In recent years, there has been a shift from a prescriptive strategic plan to that of a set of guiding strategic priorities both at the national organization and local council levels. These strategic priorities generally reflect the top 2-3 items that the organization needs to focus on to generate positive membership growth – the ultimate goal of our movement.

Our ad hoc strategic planning committee has developed four (4) strategic priorities for the council for 2024-2026. These strategic priorities will serve as the guiding principles for each council operating committee as they create their respective annual plans. These priorities were reviewed and approved by the Executive Board at the April 24, 2024 meeting.

Our strategic priorities are:

  • Continually improve our safety culture to achieve zero serious incidents.
  • Grow youth membership in the council to exceed 12,750 (compound annual growth rate of at least 10%), of which at least 2,300 will reside in Philadelphia county.
  • Generate an additional $600K in unrestricted net assets in the Operating Fund by maintaining best-in-class financial discipline
  • Increase the percentage of diverse, trained volunteers in top leadership roles at all levels in the Council by a factor of two

Please feel free to send any questions or comments to

Thank you for all you do for Scouting!

The Service Center and Scout Shop will be closed on Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. 

The service center and scout shop will be closed due to the inclement weather on Thursday, February 6th.

Our staff will work from home, so please mail or call if you need help. You can find our staff at