Event Planning

This page has been created to help District and Council Event Chairs understand the processes needed to plan successful events. Use the Event Planning Guide and other resources below to have the key steps to follow when planning a district or council-level event.

Initial Planning and Calendar Process

Here are the key steps to run a success district or council-level event for Scouts and leaders:

  1. Download and review the Event Planning Guide
  2. District or Council committee decides on proposed event, date, and location. Ensure the proposed date does not conflict with religious holidays and other large-scale events that would have a similar participant draw.
  3. Confirm that the event location is available that day. For a Cradle of Liberty Council Facility, email camping@scoutingphilly.org to confirm the camp facility needed is available and reserve it.
  4. Download the Event Calendar and Registration Information Needed document to compile the information needed to get the event on the Council Calendar and/or create the event registration.
  5. Complete the Event Calendar and Registration Request to get the event on the Council Calendar. 
  6. If your event is one-night or longer, Email Steve Hutchins, COL Short-Term NCAP Chair, to get an NCAP Short-Term assessor assigned to your event.
  7. If your event is being held at Musser Scout Reservation, be sure to review and complete the Musser Facility and Equipment Request form and send it to Ranger Lynn at least a month before your event. This allows Ranger Lynn and his volunteer team to be sure the property is prepared for your event.
  8. Continue using the steps in the Event Planning Guide to follow the remaining steps in the planning process
  9. Have a GREAT event!

National Camp Accreditation Program (NCAP) Standards

The NCAP program has existed for many years, previously focused on Summer Camps and Day Camps, but now the standards apply to Short-term (overnight) events at the district and council level as well. The goal of NCAP standards is to provide a safe, high quality Scouting program, and the standards are grouped into topics to be followed.

Here are the steps to follow the NCAP Short-Term Standards:

  1. District or Council committee decides on proposed event location and format – one-day event or overnight event . 
  2. If your event is one-night or longer, that means it is designated a “short-term camp” and will need to follow the appropriate Short-term NCAP standards. Click Here to learn more about the short-Term Camp and NCAP.
  3. Complete the Event Declaration form and email it to Steve Hutchins, COL Short-Term NCAP Chair, to get an NCAP Short-Term Administrator assigned to your event. 
  4. If your event is not being held at a BSA-owned site, complete the Site Appraisal Form and send it in with your Declaration.
  5. Review the NCAP Standards, specifically those for Short-Term Camps, so you know what standards need to be followed. Here are links to the Full Standards, and the Short-Term At a Glance document.
  6. Use this NCAP Planning Flowchart to help as you continue the planning process
  7. Keep your Short-Term Administrator involved throughout the planning process.
  8. Host a safe and fun event for the Scouts who participate!
  9. Wrap-up the process by completing the Assessment portion of the declaration you submitted at the beginning and email it to Short-Term NCAP Chair Steve Hutchins after the event concludes.

Key Contacts & Additional Resources

Council Activities Chair – Brenda Conallen – bsc401@hotmail.com

NCAP Chair – Steve Hutchins – sphutch001@verizon.net

Council Program Chair – George Witmayer – witmayer@colbsatrain.onmicrosoft.com

Director of Outdoor Adventures – John Bickel – john.bickel@scouting.org

The Service Center and Scout Shop will be closed on Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. 

The service center and scout shop will be closed due to the inclement weather on Thursday, February 6th.

Our staff will work from home, so please mail or call if you need help. You can find our staff at scoutingphilly.org/staff